"The 3rd Global Women of Light Symposium" WiSTEE Connect Registration
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The first two WiSTEE Global Women of Light Symposia in 2016 and 2017 shone light upon women's careers in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and entrepreneurship. Approximately 100 individuals from 25 countries and 80 institutions attended the first symposium, and similar number for the 2nd one. The attendees were from various career paths, such as faculty members, students, scientists, engineers, researchers, program managers, entrepreneurs, and business executives.

WiSTEE Connect (Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Entrepreneurship) is to organize the 3rd international symposium “Global Women of Light” at the 2018 Frontiers in Optics conference on 16 September 2018 in Washington DC, US, collaborating with the OSA Foundation.  The program will be hosted at the OSA Headquarters from 8:00-15:00.

The main topic of the 3rd GLW symposium is "Career Strategies for WiSTEE. The overall goal is to continue building strong network among women across academia, industry and government, and cooperatively establish strategies to advance women’s leadership across career ranks. Women leaders from academy, industry and government will present strategies and best practice on promoting emerging women leadership in their respective sectors. Roundtable discussions will invite input from all participants. A community of women across career ranks and disciplines in STEM and Entrepreneurship will continue to be built, from which career growth, mobility, mentorship, and leadership can be collectively developed.

Note that you do not have to register for the conference and the registration for the symposium is free. Men, women, students, and professionals alike are invited to attend!

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