VOCAB QUIZ: 6 Different Types of Anger
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1. The town was (badly) ... in last night's bombing. *
10 points
2. He was ... to death in a fight. *
10 points
3. The local war ... into a major conflict. *
10 points
4. He was charged with illegal possession of a ... *
10 points
5. Too often we try to ... our children into something they do not wish to be. *
10 points
6. Some crazy guy went on a ... in the public library and started grabbing books off the shelves and tossing them around. *
10 points
7. He lied to ... attention from the real situation. *
10 points
8. Smith denies using ... language to the referee. *
10 points
9. Gas ... will rise in July. *
10 points
10. He was sorry he had to ... his ties with other members of the team. *
10 points
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