IA Investigation - Music Genre Preferences
Hello :) If you have received this questionnaire, I would be very grateful for your honest answers :)
I am currently gathering data for my IBDP Mathematics Internal Assessment research paper, investigating people's music preferences, as well as music/COVID-19 Pandemic correlation rates. Please take your time on filling out each question honestly, to the best of your abilities. Thank you for your contribution!

Witam :) Jeśli otrzymałaś/eś ten kwestionariusz, byłabym bardzo wdzięczna za szczere odpowiedzi :)
Obecnie zbieram dane do mojego essaju badawczego na IBDP Mathematics Internal Assessment, badając preferencje muzyczne ludzi, a także współczynniki korelacji muzyki / pandemii COVID-19. Proszę spędzić trochę czasu na uczciwe wypełnienie każdego pytania, najlepiej jak potrafisz. Dziękuję za twój wkład!
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What is your age? (in years) *
What gender do you identify as? *
What music streaming platform do you primarily use? *
Would you say you listen to music on a relatively regular basis? (e.g. every day, every second day) *
How many hours do you approximately listen to music on average per week? (7 days) *
Do you play any instruments? *
If you chose 'yes' to the previous question, would you say that over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic/lockdown, you played that instrument more? (perhaps as a form of relaxation, improvement...)
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Which main music genre do you usually/mostly listen to? !(not including sub-genres)! *
Please rank your preferred music genre choice from 1-6 (1 being the music genre you most listen to out of the given options, 6 being the music genre you least listen to out of these options.) *
Hip Hop
First choice
Second choice
Third choice
Fourth choice
Fifth choice
Sixth choice
What music genre have you found yourself listening/gravitating towards more over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic? (~April 2020-September 2021) *
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