DroneOps VR: Stakeholder Survey
DroneOps VR is an upcoming project by Nudge Reality, aimed at transforming the way drone pilots are trained using Virtual Reality (VR). Our goal is to provide a realistic, immersive training platform that enhances drone pilots' hazard assessment, flight planning, and flight management skills.

We're looking to gather insights from a variety of stakeholders to help shape our training simulation platform. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we appreciate your time and effort to complete this survey.
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1. Which stakeholder group do you belong to?
2. What sectors do you operate in (please tick all that apply)
3. Have you used or experienced Virtual Reality (VR) before?
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4. If you answered 'Yes' to the previous question, how would you describe your experience with VR?
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5. What are the most challenging aspects of drone operation or training in your perspective?
6. How do you envision VR technology improving drone operation and training?
7. Do you believe VR can contribute to improving the safety aspects of drone training?
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8. Can you suggest specific scenarios or use cases that would benefit from VR training?

9. What features or aspects would you like to see incorporated into a VR training environment?
10. In your opinion, how should DroneOps VR prioritize the following aspects? (1=Most Important, 5=Least Important)
1 (Least Important)
5 (Most Important)
Realism of simulations
Ease of use
Customer Support
Variety of scenarios
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11. Do you have any concerns about incorporating VR into drone training?
12. Can you provide any other comments or suggestions to help improve DroneOps VR?
13. If you are open to further involvement with our project, including the possibility of trying out and evaluating the prototype product, please provide your email address. (Optional)
14. Do you consent to us contacting you regarding your responses or further involvement in our project? (Only applicable if you provided your email)
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