Reader Survey
Please complete this survey so I can serve your needs more effectively. You will receive health information on a regular basis and be given opportunities to attend online group health visits.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name
Does your health prevent you from participating in activities that you enjoy?
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Are you taking prescription medications with side effects or expenses that that you want to eliminate or reduce?
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Check the subjects on which you'd like to receive self-help information.
How often would you want to receive information regarding self-help?
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Would you be willing to participate in online group health visits?
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Does your employer offer a wellness program that lowers your insurance costs or increases your benefits?
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If you answered yes to your employer offering a wellness program, do you participate in the program?  
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If your employer offers a wellness program and you DON"T participate in the program, please explain why you don't participate.  
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