2024 4-H Grant Application
This grant is designed to help 4-H members complete a successful 4-H project related to agriculture. Examples include but are not limited to, livestock, livestock care and materials (cages, halters, bottles, etc.)
Grants will be awarded in amounts ranging from $25 to $500. Limit of one grant per 4-H member per year. Also, one-time projects will be funded, no repeat projects from year to year will be funded. 

Applications are due by 3:00pm on May 31st, 2024 

To be eligible, the applicant must meet the following requirements: 
1. The applicant must be between the ages 8 and 18 at the start of the 4-H year. (grants will only be given to members who will be doing an Agriculture project)
2. The applicant must be enrolled in the DuPage County 4-H club during the 2024 4-H year
3. The applicant must be enrolled in the project for which they are applying 
4. The applicant must complete all sections of the application and submit it to the address on the last page of the application or online by May 31st, 2024, 3:00pm 
5. The applicant's 4-H leader and parent/guardian must sign the application 
6. The applicant agrees to exhibit the project they are applying for at the DuPage County Fair 

Funds will not be awarded to purchase an animal unless you provide where the animal will be cared for, a plan of care, and eh acknowledgement form is signed by the farm owner where the animal will be cared for. Supplies for care and show, and feed are acceptable grant requests

The recipients of the grants will be chosen based on the above requirements along with the answers to the grant questions 

If awarded a grant, 4-Hers will be asked to submit a 1-2 page report with at least four pictures. At least one picture must be of 4-Her with project and one must be of purchased materials. Reports are due August 30th, 2024
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