2023 A. S. P. I. R. E. Summer Camp
The A. S. P. I. R. E. program is excited to announce our upcoming 2023 Summer Camp. While attending Summer Camp, students will receive AM transportation, PM transportation, breakfast, lunch, and snack at NO COST to parents. Students will engage with Math, Literacy, STEM, Arts, and Music curriculum while attending. The program is limited to 75 H. H. Beam students, 25 Pleasant Ridge students, 25 Lingerfeldt students, and 75 Woodhill students. Spaces are held on a first come-first served basis (spaces are limited). Registration for all students will close May 16th or as soon as the program reaches capacity.
When: June 12th-June 29th and July 10th-July 27th
Where: H. H. Beam Elementary School
Time: Monday-Thursday; 8:00am-5:00pm
Who: Current K-5 students
Your completion indicates your intent to have your child attend the A.S.P.I.R.E. Summer Camp. We hope you will join us!