Living Style Swatch Request (1 min.)
Thank you for your swatch request. Please fill out the below form and submit!
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Email *
Full Name

Ex: John Smith
Mailing Street Address
Please note: delivery only available to a physical street address (Unfortunately no P.O. Boxes)

Ex: 1234 Street Avenue   (Include APT and/or Unit#, if applicable)
Ex: New York
State Abbreviation
Ex: NY
Ex: 12345
Phone Number

Ex: 123-456-7890
Enter the Costco Item Number Here
This can be found directly underneath the title on the Costco product page.
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Personal information is only collected when knowingly and voluntarily submitted. We may need to collect such information to provide you with further services or to answer inquiries. Your information is not shared with any non-affiliated vendors or services.

For questions regarding swatches or to speak with a Living Style customer service teammate, please email us at  True Innovations is a brand of Living Style 
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