Johnson-Bates Respect and Inclusion Presidential Scholarship
The purpose of the Johnson-Bates Respect and Inclusion Presidential Scholarship Program is to provide a college scholarship to students who play an active role in stopping or preventing bullying (particularly as it is displayed towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer people), as well as work to improve the climate on campus for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQIA+) communities.
A minimum of one (1) $2,500 undergraduate scholarship will be available per semester for a total of $5,000 per year. Scholarships are awarded for one year only, but recipients may re-apply for a second year. Applicants must be majoring in the Jackson School of Geosciences or other directly connected fields.

For more information or questions, contact:

The Gender and Sexuality Center:

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What is your name? (does not have to be legal name)
What is your email?
What is your EID?
What is your college/school?
What is your department?
What is your major?
What is your expected graduation date?
What was your GPA last semester?
What is your cumulative GPA? (because this is a Presidential Scholarship, there are GPA requirements)
What is your class standing this academic year?
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Current and Past School Activities and Honors
Current and Past Community Activities and Honors
Personal Statement: Please enter a personal statement (less than or equal to 500 words) describing the applicant's qualifications for the scholarship and personal commitment to stop or prevent bullying (particularly as it is displayed towards people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer) as well as improve the climate on campus for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQIA+) community. *
Application Procedure: To be considered for a Johnson-Bates Respect and Inclusion Endowed Presidential Scholarship, applicants must fill out this form and submit two letters of recommendation (with at least one from a faculty or a school official at the college level) this is an additional google form. In addition to that, applicants must send a current transcript before the application will be considered. That can be delivered to the GSC (WCP 2.112) or emailed to Liz Elsen; *
The information provided in my application is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and accurate, and I understand that false statements on this application will disqualify me from the scholarship. Please type your name here to verify the above statement. *
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