Church Events/Announcements Form
This form has been created for the benefit of the church and all of the various events that it is involved in.  The goal of this form is to streamline the process of getting events both recognition and approval while simultaneously walking each submission through our branding guidelines. Remember, the sooner events are communicated, the sooner we can organize a strategy. The better the details are communicated, the better the results. Thank you to all and we look forward to all the wonderful new opportunities that this will bring.


Step 1) Fill out the below Church Events/Announcements form. It will automatically be submitted to the Church Office and Communications Office.

Step 2) Once per week we will communicate new proposals to pastors, staff, and communications advisor on your behalf.

Step 3) Any necessary changes will then be communicated by email to you from either &/or, along with expectations and any necessary clarifications.

Step 4) After receiving approval, event communication efforts will proceed.

*NOTE:* Be sure to send in your event info well in advance as per our suggested timeline below.  If the event reaches the approval/agreement stage after our suggested lead time, some items discussed may not be ready or completed before the event date.

Changes/Corrections/Cancellations: Please communicate any changes, corrections or cancellations to BOTH &

Communication Tiers:

  • Tier One Plus Mission centric event or initiative that targets more than 150 friends of the church and outside members of the community

  • Tier One Mission centric event or initiative that targets more than 150 friends of the church

  • Tier Two Event or initiative that targets 31-149 friends of the church

  • Tier Three Event or initiative that targets 30 or fewer friends of the church

Lead Time for Submissions:

  • Tier One Events &/or events with multiple consecutive dates (ie. Vacation Bible School) - 6 weeks advance notice

  • Tier Two and Tier Three Events - 4 weeks advance notice

How Many Weeks in a row per Announcement:

  • Bulletin: Ongoing events/groups - 3 weeks maximum per submission (may request non consecutive Weeks)

  • Bulletin: Asking for any type of donations - 3 weeks maximum per submission 

  • Slides: Ongoing events/groups - 3 weeks maximum per submission (may request non consecutive Weeks)

  • Slides: Asking for any type of donations - 3 weeks maximum per submission 

  • Other: Ongoing events/groups - 3 weeks maximum per submission (may request non consecutive Weeks)

  • Other: Asking for any type of donations - 3 weeks maximum per submission 

*For additional weeks please seek reapproval (see step 1 above)*

Church Events/Announcements                      

*Fill in Below and submit (see instructions above)

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Proposed Communication Tier:
How does this align with our Mission Statement:
Clear selection
(ex: contact person with email and phone, people/committee involved, people/committee invited, internal/external) :
Is this sponsored by a committee, church group, or other church organization?  If so please fill in the blank:
Clear selection
If yes to the previous question, please specify:
What (event and short description):
Where (place, rooms, spaces used):
When (date, start & end time, and prep/clean up time) :

Why (1-3 line explanation) :
How - prep info, “day of” details, what materials are requested (pending approval)/if paper is involved: black and white or color and on how much of the document (example: postcards, flyers, something to be ordered, etc.) Communication plans and event details are appreciated. (1 Paragraph explanation):
What assistance (if any) are you requesting?  (ex. food and drink, table and chairs, etc.): 
Do you need childcare at your event? If yes, how many children do you anticipate and potential ages?
(Childcare may be provided for children ages infant through elementary school)
In less than 10 words what would you like it to say on a slide?:
Potential Cost(s)/cost to the church include any associated church fund or budget line the amount may be deducted from (if known) (if unknown, write down what the $ will be spent on):

Church Events/Announcements                      

What forms of Communication Are You Requesting For Approval:

Some Options:

Announcement Slide

Narthex/Fellowship Hall TV Slide

Bulletin Announcement

Verbal Announcement in church


Social Media/Facebook Announcement

Social Media/Facebook Event

Social Media/Facebook Ad

Website Event

Website Blog Post

Article in the Sun or other Newspaper (requires 6 weeks of advance notice)

Weekly EBlast (to launch in early 2024)



T-Shirts/Hats/pens/other apparel (requires 1 month+ of advance notice)

Other (please specify)

We greatly encourage you to take a few quality photos of your event for use on the website, in slides, on social media, etc. If you take photos of your event, please submit them to & provide the name/email of the photographer below
Clear form
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This form was created inside of First Methodist Church of Moorestown. Report Abuse