Community Table Form
Register here to include your zines on Community Table at Wellington Zinefest 2024. If you'd like to be included on the community table, please read this form carefully before submitting. 

The market runs from 11 till 4pm on Saturday October 12 & Sunday October 13 at Victoria University of Wellington Te Aro campus, 139 Vivian Street. During this time, we'll have the Community Table set up. This is a stall where one of our team will sell other people's zines on their behalf. Selling your work on the community table is totally free of charge!

Zinemakers  can submit their work to sell on this stall. In this form, you'll tell us the names and prices of your zines, which we'll use to make signage. We'll also need your bank account number, so we can transfer your sales at the end of the market.

Our volunteers will keep track of all of the sales. Once the market's finished, we'll add up all of your sales and transfer the takings your bank account.

The Community Table is exclusively for zines and comics - we won't sell stickers, prints or other related materials. We accept a maximum of three different zines and comics from each creator. You can give us up to ten copies of each zine.

To have your zines on the Community Table, you'll need to first get them to us. You can either:

bring them to us on the day, at the start of the market between 10:30 and 11:30am, or
post them to us at: Wellington Zinefest, 4/21 Essex Street, Aro Valley, Wellington 6021. Make sure they arrive in time! Please post them in weather-proof packaging. There's not much we can do if they get lost in the post, so maybe consider adding a tracking option if you need to.

You can pick up your unsold zines at the end of the market. We won't return unsold zines and comics through the post. Any unsold zines which haven't been collected at the end of the day will be added to the Wellington Zinefest zine and comics library.

By signing up for the community table, you agree that you will abide by this Code of Conduct which prohibits the sale of discriminatory or offensive materials.

Make sure you enter your email correctly below; we'll need this to communicate with you about selling your work.

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Email *
Your Name *
We'll use this to make a small sign for the table next to your work. This can be your artist name, government name or whatever you like.
Zine Titles and Prices *
Please list the titles of the zines and comics you'll be adding to the table, and how much you want them to sell for. We'll take a maximum of three different titles.
Account Number *
This is the account we'll transfer all your sales into.
Getting your zines
How will you get your zines to us?
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Unsold zines
You can pick up any unsold work at the end of the market, between 3:30 and 4pm. Please note that we're not able to post your zines back to you - any unsold and uncollected zines on the table at the end of the day will become part of the Wellington Zinefest library.
Anything else
Is there anything else you'd like us to know? Put it down here.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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