The Archaeology Roadshow organization provides support to multiple communities across Oregon to help them put on their own Roadshow. We have a part-time staff person that sets up planning meetings, guides publicity, provides on-the-ground leadership on event day, and more. Your gift to this general fund makes it possible for us to support and grow this state-wide public outreach effort. Your gift will help keep the Archaeology Roadshow free and open to the widest audience possible.
Thank you for your financial support.
To acknowledge your contribution, your organization’s logo (or if an individual, your name) will be included on our website and listed on the "Donation Appreciation Posters" at all of our events across the state. Given printing deadlines, we need to have your gift by May 1st if you wish to be listed on the printed posters.
Your donation is tax deductible.
Filling out this form helps us to keep track of the donations we receive - Options for making a donation are as follows:
-Check - payable to: PSU Foundation c/o Portland OR Archaeology Roadshow, Dept. of Anthropology, PO Box 751, Portland State University, Portland, OR 97207
Please put your organization/business name in "Additional comments" if applicable