1-on-1 Online with Egle Regelskis

You may have questions or struggles that sit on your back for too long, and you need that little help to break the ice so that you can enjoy dancing more and feel the progress. 

1-on-1 Online Training is based on completely personal individual classes. You can take only one class or as many as you want. Anyhow, get that help to make the most of your Solo Jazz dance experience. It will give you schedule flexibility as well as personal attention.

A class takes 1 hour and is held through ZOOM. After registration, you will be contacted via email to set your time, and then a ZOOM invitation will be emailed.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First name *
Last name *
Email address *
City and Country *
What is your dance experience? *
What would you like to work on? *
How many classes do you take? *
I understand that I will have to pay for the classes after I receive the confirmation and before the live meeting starts and I will need to cover all the transfer fees if there are any. *
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