TJ Winter In-House 2020 Registration
We're excited to host this year's TJ Winter In-House! All information about the tournament can be found on our Tabroom page (

Legislation information is found under Tournament Pages & Forms on the tabroom website.

Performance and attendance at the in-house will heavily factor into decisions about national tournament attendance and leadership positions for the next school year!
Please contact Jay Siva, Esha Karlekar, Vivi Rao or Hasita Nalluri if you have any questions.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Have you signed up for Tabroom? Please sign up before submitting this form: Tabroom is required for online tournaments (if you need help doing so please contact a debate officer).  Use this link to sign up: *
NOTE: You do not have to sign up for the tournament directly through Tabroom. This google form is all that is necessary to sign up for the tournament.
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Grade *
Phone Number *
Type N/A if you don't have one
Are you a novice? *
Do you want to PO? (No for novices) *
POs will be chosen by competitors through election in chamber. This is just to gauge interest for the tournament.
Parent Name *
Parent Email *
Parent Phone Number *
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