Podcast Feedback Form
Hi there - fellow NIS!

Thank you so much for being an avid listener of my podcast! If you're a new listener, welcome! You know how I always talk about wanting/wishing to hear back from you? I'm wishing no more! Thanks to the many of you who have emailed me these past two years but cheers to this new form of communication! Hopefully, this would be a much better way to communicate...and best part, you can do so anonymously!

Looking forward to hearing from you :)

Tolu O.
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Any feedback/recommendations for future episodes? (e.g. What would you like to see or hear more of? What questions would you like answered? Guests to invite? etc.)
If I was seated right beside you, what's the one thing you'd like to say to me, or chat with me about? (Humor me!)
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