Class-6,Local Government and Administration
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Q1) The ______ that takes care of street lights, garbage collection, water supply, keeping the streets and the market clean *
1 point
Q2) While the _____ Committees and the councillors decide on issues, the Commissioner and the ____ implement these. *
1 point
Q3) The Commissioner and the administrative staff are ___, Councillors are ________. *
1 point
Q4) The city of Surat had a plague scare in *
1 point
Q5) Who forms the Gram Panchayat? *
1 point
Q6) The Gram Panchayat is elected for *
1 point
Q7) Who plays an important role in keeping an eye on the elected representatives and in making them responsible to the persons who elected them? *
1 point
Q8) Urban Administration is divided into *
1 point
Q9) All the members of the Gram Sabha also elect a Sarpanch who is the Panchayat __________. *
1 point
Q10) Which of the following is not the source of funds for the Panchayat? *
1 point
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