Knox Nocturnals
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Participating in The Knox Nocturnals Youth program will be great fun.
It is a free social inclusion program for 12–18-year-old in Ferntree Gully.
The program supports and connects young people of all abilities in a safe inclusive environment.
Knox young people participating in the program get the opportunity to meet and build friendships, gain new skills, build confidence, and have fun. to find out more click on the links below
The program features:

  • A range of activities including sport, street dance, circus skills, arts and other fun activities
  • A healthy hot dinner and fruit supper
  • Personal development
  • Life-skills workshops- topics may include relationships, mental health, self-care, drugs and alcohol, online safety and more
  • Transport home by minibus provided if needed (available for those that live in Knox.
And it's all FREE !

Entering more than one persons expression of interest
After you submit this application, you will have the option to enter an additional expression of interest for another person.
Note, all details will need to be added again, thank you for your patience.

Please complete all sections

The personal information requested in this application form is for the purpose of  administering the Knox Nocturnals Youth program and will only be used by the Rotary Club for that primary purpose or directly related purpose. 

Whilst information relating to the program may be published or shared for reporting and evaluation purposes, personal information in regards to individuals will not be disclosed except as required by law. 
Requests for access to and/or amendment of personal information should be made to the Knox Nocturnals Program Manager
Term 4 - 2024 - Term 1 2025
Knox Nocturnals Program - Location 
Carrington Park Leisure Centre
20 O'Connor RD, Knoxfield Vic 3180
Contact us via Email
Phone Contact - 0460 311 268
Let us know about yourself and why you want to volunteer 

There is a range of rewarding volunteer roles just waiting for you!

Be valued for the skills you have, meet new people, share a meal and most of all, have fun! We are now recruiting volunteers to assist with activity groups, catering, transport and general helpers for the Knox Nocturnals Youth Program. All volunteers will require a Police Check and current Working With Children (WWC) Card, must complete Child Safety training, and be available to attend a Volunteer Induction and Training Night.

Volunteer Application Process:

1.      Fill in the form below.  

2.      Selection and screening - You will be assessed based on your interest, experience and skills relevant to the role. Police, WWC and Referee checks completed.

3.      Induction and training successfully completed.

Once you have completed this form, we will contact you to discuss your application.

Volunteer Details
Volunteer  LAST NAME *
Volunteer  FIRST NAME *
Volunteer  Phone CONTACT Number *
Volunteer Address *
Volunteer  EMAIL ADDRESS *
Volunteer  GENDER *
Please tell us which suburb you live in. *
Select which roles you're interested in.
Please tell us your availability
Tell us about the skills or experience you have that would be of benefit in this volunteer role.
A short statement of why you would like to be involved (200 word max)
Do you have a current Working With Children Certificate or Card (WWC) (THIS WILL BE REQUIRED)
WWC Number
WWC Expiry Date from Card or Certificate

You can apply for a Working With Children Check (WWCC) at this web site

If financial assistance is needed then please email and assistance will be arranged.
Do you require Financial Assistance for these necessary checks? *
Do you agree to complete a mandatory on-line child-safety training and interview / induction process.
Emergency Contact Details
Relationship *
Name *
Mobile Phone Number *
Home or Other Phone Number *
Secondary Emergency Contact Details 
Relationship *
Name *
Mobile Phone Number *
Home or Other Phone Number
Are You a Rotarian? 
Do you have any dietary requirements?
Please provide relevant details.
Do you have any limitations we need to be aware of in order to support you in a role.
If so please provide relevant details.
Please provide 2 Referee's Details.
Referee 1 - Name *
Referee 1 - Phone Number *
Referee 2 - Name *
Referee 2 - Phone Number *
Privacy Statement, Photo, Image Permission
The Knox Nocturnal respects the privacy of anyone who interacts with us and is committed to protecting and managing personal information fairly and lawfully.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy available on our web page or on request to our program manager or nominated person.

Images (that include a first name only) and de-identified data collected may be utilised for the purpose of program operation, safety, promotion, reporting as well as part of future grant applications or program evaluation by the Rotary Clubs of Knox.

Photo and Video Image

Your consent is required below for permission to use photos, videos or the like which may contain images of you, taken as part of the Knox Nocturnals Youth Program and associated activities.

The images may be be used now or in the future for the purpose of external communications, including advertising and marketing as well as posted on the KNY program’s social media account(s) including Facebook, Instagram and website.

You may withdraw this consent at any time by advising the Knox Nocturnals Program  Manager or nominated contact via email ( or by  phone on 0460 311 268.

If you withdraw consent, the Rotary Clubs of Knox agree to not further use photographs or video footage it holds in the future, however, any photographs or video footage which are already published and in circulation cannot be retracted or removed from publication.

Volunteer Agreement *
Child Safety Code of Conduct (summary)

We are committed to creating and maintaining an environment that promotes the safety of all children. This includes encouraging a culture where the prevention and reporting of abuse is supported and encouraged. All committee members, employees, contractors and volunteers are responsible for promoting the safety, wellbeing and empowerment of children.

This Code of Conduct sets expectations for how adults in the KNYP should behave around children. This is important to help prevent children from being harmed. Child abuse takes many forms and can include physical, sexual and psychological abuse, ill-treatment and neglect. Our Child Safe Policy provides more information about these different types of abuse.

This Code of Conduct identifies positive child safe behaviours that we encourage all adults to support. 

It also identifies behaviours that we consider unacceptable.

Engaging in unacceptable behaviour is a breach of this Code of Conduct and may result in managerial or disciplinary action.

All committee members, contractors, employees, volunteers, families and community members are encouraged to speak up if they have concerns about the safety of children. 

Complaints about a breach of this Code of Conduct must be reported to Project Manager, Christine Anderson on 0458 366 543 or via her

Some breaches of this Code of Conduct may need reporting to Victoria Police and/or Child Protection Services.

Staff and volunteers who breach our Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action. This can include suspension or termination from the KNYP.


An adult in child-related work in an organisation will commit an offence if they know another adult there poses a serious risk of abusing a child (under 18 years), and they have the power to reduce or remove the risk, and they negligently fail to do so.

All adults in Victoria are required to report information to police if they know, believe or reasonably ought to know that a child (under 18 years) has been abused.

As An Adult Helper in the Knox Nocturnals Youth Program 


  • Treat all children and young people with respect
  • Listen to and value children and young people’s ideas and opinions
  • Welcome all children and their families and carers by being inclusive
  • Actively promote cultural safety and inclusion
  • Listen to children and respond to them appropriately
  • Welcome parents and carers to participate in decisions about their child’s participation and any matters about their safety
  • Report any conflicts of interest (such as an outside relationship with a child)
  • Adhere to all relevant Australian and Victorian legislation and our child safe policies and procedures
  • Work within a team to ensure that the needs of the child (and their family) remain the paramount focus
  • Participate in all compulsory training
  • Raise concerns with management if risks to child safety are identified, including cultural, environmental and operational risks
  • Report and act on any concerns or observed breaches of this Code of Conduct
  • Take all reasonable steps to protect children from abuse
  • Respect the privacy of children and their families by keeping all information about child protection concerns confidential
  • Inform parents and carers if there are situations that need to be safely managed but are outside the boundaries of this Code of Conduct
  • Take a child seriously if they disclose harm or abuse
  • Ensure breaches of this Code are reported immediately
  • Uphold the rights of the child and always prioritise their needs
  • Condone or participate in illegal, unsafe or abusive behaviour towards children, including physical, sexual or psychological abuse, ill-treatment, neglect or grooming
  • Ignore or disregard any concerns, suspicions or disclosures of child abuse
  • Exaggerate or trivialise child abuse issues
  • Use hurtful, discriminatory or offensive behaviour or language with children
  • Fail to report information to police if I know a child has been abused
  • Engage in unwarranted and inappropriate touching involving a child
  • Persistently criticise and/or denigrate a child
  • Deliberately prevent a child from forming friendships
  • Verbally assault a child or create a climate of fear
  • Offer children and young people alcohol, cigarettes or other drugs
  • Show children pornographic images
  • Encourage a child to communicate with me in a private setting
  • Share details of sexual experiences with a child
  • Use sexual language or gestures in the presence of children

I understand the following types of behaviour may be of concern.

  • Being alone with a child when there is no professional reason for doing so
  • Showing favour to one child over others
  • Babysitting, mentoring and/or tutoring a child outside the KNYP hours

The full Child Safety Code of Conduct is available on the program web page:

I agree to abide by the Knox Nocturnals Child Safety Code of Conduct (as summarised above) and indicate this by checking the box below and adding your name, date and signature.

Your Full Name *
Your Address *
The Date *
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