CodeVA Volunteer Questionnaire
Want to volunteer with CodeVA?  Complete this form and we will contact you about current and upcoming events, projects or ongoing opportunities! 

Have questions about accommodating your group? Contact us at 

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Email *
First Name  *
Last Name *
Phone Number (include area code) *
What region of Virginia best describes where you live? *
Are you volunteering through your employer/organization?   *
If you are volunteering through your employer/organization, which one?
If you are volunteering through your school, which one?
If you are volunteering through your employer, organization or school, who is the main point of contact for this group and their email address?  If it is you, please just state "myself".
What skills do you bring to CodeVA?  Check all that apply.   *
Describe your experience with the skill(s) you checked in the question above *
Do you speak a language other English, and would you be willing to assist with translation to help us serve our diverse communities?
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If you answered yes to the question above, what language(s) do you speak?
Which sentence describes you best?   *
What interests you most about working with CodeVA? *
What is your availability to volunteer with us?  Check all that apply.   *
Because we work with kids, a background check may be required.   Note:  All Volunteers 18 years of age and older are required to take a criminal background check through us (free of charge) or provide your own recent background check documents. If you are volunteering through an employer/organization, your employer will provide us with your background check verification. Volunteers and students under the age of 18 are NOT required to undergo a background check. *
Do you have any questions or anything else you'd like to share with us?  
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