Flickr Commons - Expression of Interest
HelloΒ πŸ‘‹πŸ»Β 

We're so glad you're interested in Flickr Commons.Β πŸ’—

While we are finalizing the new joining process, we'd love to hear from institutions interested in joining Flickr Commons. If you fill out this short form, we'll let you know when we've got everything up and running to launch new members.Β 

A few things you should know:
  • Flickr Commons is for institutions, not individuals. That means organizations like libraries, museums, archives, historical societies.
  • All photos in a Flickr Commons account must have no known copyright restrictions. (More info)
  • Flickr Commons is a community, not just a repository. You'll need to commit a little time to curate photos, interact with the community, and stay in touch. πŸ’Œ
If that all sounds good, please tell us a little bit more about yourself and your institution, and we'll be in touch.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is the name of your institution? *
What is the web address for your institution, if you have one?
Does your institution already have a Flickr account? If so, enter the web address here.
Where is your institution located in the world?
(City, Country)
What is the general contact email address for your institution? *
(We will not share this with anyone outside the Flickr Foundation.)
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