CBC Dutch Touch Soccer Camp - 2020

June 22-26 from 9am-noon | Register on form below

CBC Dutch Touch Day Camp
Players born 2007 - 2009
Cost: $225 (* $200 for returning players)
Register on form below

July 6-10 from 9am-noon | Register on form below

Dutch First Touch Camp
Players born 2010 - 2012
Cost: $200
Register on form below

July 6-10 from 9am-noon | Register on form below

Dutch Touch Day Camp
Players born 2006-2009
Cost: $225 (* $200 for returning players)
Register on form below

July 6-10 from 4pm-7pm | Register on form below

Dutch Touch High School Combine
Open to any High School player incoming freshman through Senior
Cost: $245 (* 225 for returning players)
Register on form below

July 13-17 from 9am-3:30pm | Register on form below

Dutch Touch Elite Camp
For elite players born 2005-2009
Cost: $445 (* $400 for returning players)


All Camps are held at CBC High School (1850 De La Salle Drive, St. Louis, MO) and nearby Cadet Park

For more information visit CBCDutchTouch.com or e-mail Terry Michler at michlert@cbchs.org

NEW THIS YEAR! Pay by Venmo - Terry Michler (314) 616-4570

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Participant name (Please complete for each camper) *
Birthdate *
Parent/Emergency Contact Cell Number: *
Email Address *
Home Address *
City, State *
Soccer Club
Select Camp Dates *
Clothing - Shirt Size *
Clothing - Game Shorts *
Clothing - Game Socks *
Allergies - Please list any allergies food or medical. If none - please write none *
Please list any special requests:
LIABILITY RELEASE: (MUST BE COMPLETED BY PARENT OR GUARDIAN): Because of rising insurance costs and our effort to keep our fee reasonable, all campers must cover themselves for any injury or sickness incurred while attending International Soccer Camp. I hereby authorize and direct the camp staff to exercise and act in their best judgment in the event any medical emergency regarding my child may arise. I confirm that my child is covered by medical insurance. I assume liability for my child during the time he/she is attending the International Soccer Camp In the event of injury or accident, I will release CBC, and the camp staff from any and all liability. *
PHOTO/MEDIA RELEASE: In addition, I, the undersigned, hereby grant CBC Dutch Touch International permission to make still pictures, videos, and sound recordings, separately or in combination, of me and/or my child, and I also give CBC Dutch Touch permission to use the finished videos, still pictures, and/or sound recordings in educational, instructional and commercial distribution via private or public broadcast or other delivery format without monetary compensation. *
REFUND POLICY: Due to our commitment and related expenses to bring quality coaches from Europe, there is a $150 penalty for any cancellation made PRIOR to Camp. There will be NO refunds once camp begins. Questions? Contact Terry Michler at michlert@cbchs.org  *
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