AAFHP 2023 Volunteer Interest Form
Thank you so much for your interest in the Adopt a Family Holiday Program! Please complete this form and we will be in touch in the coming weeks to let you know about the ways you can help OARC serve families in our community this holiday season.  Completing this form does not guarantee your first choice of service area.  While we do our best to accommodate all volunteers, 
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Contact Name *
Organization Name (if applicable)
Contact Phone Number *
Contact Email *
Who is interested in helping? *
How did you hear about OARC's Adopt A Family Holiday Program?
AAFHP has been fully funded thanks to the generosity of the Backyard BBQ Brawl.  While we are not in need of financial assistance, we do need help with shopping and other tasks.

Please select the ways you would like to help:
Please let us know if there is anything else about you or your organization that would be helpful matching you with an AAFHP project.
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