Erasmus+ project KA229 "Art and Literature in our common life" Project - Student Evaluation Questionnaire
Post-Mobility Questionnaire
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Has the 1st mobility met your expectations so far? (If no, please share your thoughts.)
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How many times have you attended the virtual meetings?
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Are you satisfied with the cooperation between schools in the partnerships?
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Was it easy to communicate with partner students? (Rate it from 1-5, 1- unsufficient, 5-excellent)
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How would you rate your communication with partner students? (Rate it from 1-5, 1- unsufficient, 5-excellent)
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How would you rate your communication with partner teachers? (Rate it from 1-5, 1- unsufficient, 5-excellent)
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What do you think of your teachers' interest and performance in the 1st mobility? (Rate it from 1-5, 1- unsufficient, 5-excellent)
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What do you think about the programme of the 1st mobility? (Rate it from 1-5, 1- unsufficient, 5-excellent)
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How was the implementation of the 1st mobility to you? (Rate it from 1-5, 1-unsufficient, 5-excellent)
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Were you able to reach partners easily when you had a question?
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Did you encounter any inappropriate activity during the process? If yes, explain.
Do you think the activities carried out within the scope of the 1st mobility are instructive? (Rate it from 1-5, 1-unsufficient, 5-excellent)
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Are you satisfied with the cooperation between schools in the partnerships? (If no, what are things that you are not satisfied with?)
Which place/places in Istanbul attracted you most?
Do you think that the trip plan is successfully implemented? (Rate it from 1-5, 1- unsufficient, 5-excellent)
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Was this trip benefical for you to have an idea about the Turkish culture?
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Among the activities to be done, which one do you think was the most useful and fun?
Do you think the activities carried out were instructive?
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What are the factors that kept you active and motivated in the 1st mobility?
Do you think the virtual part of the mobility was well-implemented?
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If you wish, please give any additional information, comments or recommendation that may be useful for future mobilities.
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