People with Lived Experience Feedback Loop on Receiving Assistance & Services Survey
Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your experience with the Greater Nashua housing resources. These questions are meant to help us improve the services provided within the Greater Nashua Continuum of Care regarding homelessness. Please answer the following questions about the services you received. Select only one option which best describes your feelings about each statement.  
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How did you first connect with homeless services in Greater Nashua to address your housing needs?  *
Please evaluate EACH of the following statements and provide a response for EACH of the statements. (We ask that you provide a response to ALL of the statements below, indicating your options by a scale of 1-5). 
Strongly Agree (5)
Agree (4)
Somewhat (3)
Disagree (2)
Strongly Disagree (1)
I was informed of my rights and responsibilities, including the agency's grievance procedures
I was provided with information about different support services that are available to me
I was involved in making decisions about my service plan
I was able to talk with staff when I needed to
The building and facilities are kept clean, safe and comfortable
My rights were acknowledged, respected and protected
The staff cares about my wellbeing
Program staff are knowledgeable about available resources that could help me
I would recommend this program to others
What category best describes the current level of care you are receiving? (Select all that apply from the drop-down list).
How did you hear about the program(s) you currently are connected to?
Is there anything else you would like to mention?   
If you are interested in being part of helping us plan ways to end homelessness, please provide your name and a good way to get in contact with you below.   
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