The AUTHORS custom feed on Bluesky is for authors, writers, and general bookish professionals. No, you don't have to have any books published to be added to the feed list. The requests to join the AUTHORS custom feed is getting a little intense so we're streamlining the process a bit.
Please submit your Bluesky username here and we will add your name to the feed within 1-3 days. Make sure to include your full username.If your username isΒ, don't submit just "@johnsmith"βwe need the full thing. We don't have time to get back to everyone individually so please check the spreadsheet for your username:Β your username does not appear in this spreadsheet after 3 days, please resubmit the form.
Once your username is in the spreadsheet, your posts that include the π emoji OR #authors will appear in the feed. If your posts don't appear right away, please give the feed a few hours to refresh and check again.
Thanks everyone!