Danskvöldpass Háskóladansins
Please fill out this form to register for a Social Dance Pass with Háskóladansinn. This pass gets you access to all the Tuesday blended swing dance social nights in Tunglið veislusalur (Lækjargata 2) from 20-22. The fee for the pass is 6.500kr. This can be paid by paying in cash at one of our socials or by transferring the fee to account #: 0338-13-221320 and kt: 480208-0720. You will not be considered fully registered until we have received payment from you.
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Name (first and last):
Email (preferably HÍ/university email if you have one):
Preferred Dance Styles
!! Remember !!
To finish this form hit submit below, but you will not be considered fully registered until we receive the payment for the pass from you. 
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