Talks to me about motherhood and pandemic 
Talk to me, Kelly Baker, about your experiences of motherhood before and during the pandemic for a book project. I appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey. All the questions are optional. 

Please let me know if you are interested in being interviewed and make sure to include your email if you are.
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Name (whatever you are comfortable with) *
Age *
Location (where you live--be as vague or specific as you want to be) *
Relationship Status *
Work Status *
How would you describe being a mom?
What does being a mom mean to you?
If you are a working mom, how do you balance (or not) your career and parenting? How has being a parent impacted (or not impacted) your career?
If you are a stay-at-home mom, how did you come to that decision? What is it like to be a stay-at-home parent right now?
What was it like to be a mom during the first couple of years of the pandemic?
What is it like to be a mom now multiple years into the pandemic? Has anything changed? If so, what has?
If you are willing to talk about it, I would appreciate any thoughts you have about moms' mental health generally or personally.
If you are willing to talk about, I would appreciate any thoughts you have about navigating grief and loss as a mom during the pandemic.
What are some interventions that you think would most help moms right now?
Is there anything else you want to tell me about what it is like to be a mom right now? Go for it!
Are you willing to be interviewed for this project?
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