EEA Professional Learning Opportunity
The Environmental Education Alliance (EEA) is seeking school district partners interested in professional learning related to environmental education and outdoor learning. It is possible that a foundation will be available to sponsor costs of customized PL for a district that does not have funds funds this expense. If interested in being considered for this opportunity, please let us know how it may meet your needs.
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The Environmental Education Alliance collaborates with school districts to provide customized professional learning in a range of formats from in-person workshops to interactive webinars and online, self-paced courses. In general, which thematic topic(s) interest you most?
For what grade levels or courses are you interested in professional learning? (Check any that apply)
EEA can provide certification in several programs that could be included in the customized professional learning. Please indicate which of the following interest you.
Who would you like to participate? For instance: all teachers of one course or grade level, across the district? One school? An assortment of teacher-leaders at different grade levels? Which school(s) do you tentatively have in mind? 
Is there any information you would like to share about this opportunity, how it fits in with your plans, indicators of poverty or hardship, and any additional considerations?
EEA will contact every district that completes this form, for further conversation. What is the best time of day and best way to reach you (phone vs email)? 
Thank you for responding!
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