CSc 110 Grading Complaint Form 17au
This form will allow you to let us know if you are not happy with the grading on one of your homework assignments.  Before submitting this form, please first contact your SL to attempt to understand or resolve the grading situation.  Only if this fails should you submit this form to get a second opinion.

Your form submission will be read by the instructor and/or head SL and used to reexamine your score.  You will be contacted by email about the decisions made.  Grading complaints must be made within 2 weeks of you receiving your score.

If you do not understand the SL's marking or can't figure out why the SL marked you off, please contact your SL first to ask him/her personally to explain the grading, rather than submitting this form.
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What is your U of A email? *
Which assignment are you writing about? *
What section are you in / who graded your assignment? *
What score (approximately) do you feel you should have received for the assignment? *
How would you best describe the problem with the grading?  Check all that apply. *
What other information can you provide about specifically what you think was graded improperly?  Please mention specific point(s) you lost and specific reasons why you feel you should not have lost the points. *
Have you talked to your SL about this grading issue? If so, what was the SL's response? If not, why not? (If possible, you should try to work out the issue with your SL before bringing it to this form.) *
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