Getting To Know You!
Hello Carpenter Teachers & Staff!  Welcome to a fantastic new year!  In years past, we have asked you all to complete this form, so that we can show our appreciation to you in a way that YOU enjoy!  Thank you!!  

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Grade *
T-Shirt Size *
Track *
Birthday *
My favorite subject in school was:
I have child(ren):
Please list name(s) and age(s)
I have pet(s)
When I have free time, I like to:
Something you probably don't know about me is:
The best way to thank me is:
My favorite color is:
My favorite treat is:
My favorite food is:
My favorite flower is:
My favorite drink is:
My favorite restaurant is:
My favorite place to shop is:
I'm not really a big fan of:
(coffee, chocolate, tea, flowers, nuts, etc)
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