A.R.T.S and Hope of Harmony Online Program: Tutor Application 
Thank you for your interest in applying to become a tutor at the A.R.T.S and Hope of Harmony Online Program. Our 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations aim at providing free online art and music lessons for underprivileged youth. The application is divided up into two sections. 

Section 1: To help us learn more about you, please answer the questions thoughtfully. 

Section 2: Please indicate below whether you want to be part of the art branch, music branch, or both. After that, indicate the specific type of course(s) that you are able to teach, along with a brief description for each course. 

Your application will be evaluated by our program directors, and we will get back to you within two weeks after your submission. 

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Email *
Full Name *
Preferred Email  *
Phone Number *
Grade *
City that you currently live in  *
What are some past leadership roles that you think would benefit your ability to be a tutor at this program?
Depending on the branch that you want to be part of, what are some qualifications that you have? *
What are some of your strengths and weaknesses?
What other commitments do you currently have?
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