Visit Marcello Di Bello and three talks on evidence in AI and philosophy
Dear all,

On Friday June 16, three talks are scheduled discussing evidence in AI and philosophy.

The occasion is Marcello Di Bello's visit to Groningen (web pagescholar). Marcello is an alumnus of ILLC (MSc Logic) and Stanford (PhD Philosophy), and has worked at Stanford, Princeton, CUNY and now Arizona State. Marcello will discuss the epistemic and moral significance of items of evidence that are missed, destroyed, unavailable.

Local speakers are Hylke Jellema (web pagescholar) and Ludi van Leeuwen (web pagescholar). Hylke will discuss work connected to his recently defended PhD thesis `(Im)probable stories' (awarded cum laude). Ludi started her PhD research this academic year, and will present her article on evidential Bayesian networks grounded in agent-based simulations (to be presented at the ICAIL conference in Portugal soon).

The program is as follows.

15:00    Hylke Jellema
(Im)probable Stories. Combining Bayesian and Explanation-based Accounts of Rational Criminal Proof

15:20    Ludi van Leeuwen
Using Agent-Based Simulations to Evaluate Bayesian Networks for Criminal Scenarios

15:40    Break

16:00    Marcello Di Bello
Gaps in Evidence (handout)

16:30     Discussion

17:00    Closing

We meet at the Bernoulliborg in room 289 (Nijenborgh 9, 9747 AG Groningen). We will try and set up an online connection for hybrid participation (

Best wishes,


Bart Verheij
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