NBTSchools Anonymous School Threat Reporting Form

This form is intended to anonymously report a school threat, in accordance with New Jersey state guidance. If you do NOT wish to be anonymous, please contact the school's principal directly; a list of district and school administration contact information can be found linked HERE.

Types of behaviors to report:

Threats of violence (verbal and non-verbal)

Behaviors involving weapon carrying or menacing actions 

The process is designed for assessment of threats to harm others and is not intended for individuals who have only threatened to harm themselves.

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Name(s) of student(s) believed to have made a threat of violence or exhibited behaviors involving a weapon/menacing action(s):
Name(s) of potential witnesses: (if known)
Approximate Date of Incident: (if known)
Location of alleged incident(s):
Description of incident(s). Be as specific as possible:
This report is based on the following evidence (choose as many as apply):

IF you have physical evidence, please send promptly to school administration; contact information can be found linked HERE.

I certify that the information on this form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge and belief; my digital timestamp below serves as my anonymous signature.
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This form was created inside of North Brunswick Twp. Public Schools.

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