UMW Remote Teaching for Summer 2020 Application Form
This form is to be used by UMW faculty who are currently scheduled to teach in-person courses in Summer 2020, and would like to be approved to teach those courses remotely, should the university not be able to provide in-person instruction. This designation is for Summer 2020 only, and does not take the place of approval to teach a course majority or fully online, as designated by the Distance & Blended Learning Committee. Please provide a short answer to the questions below- this is intended to be a streamlined proposal process, and does not require lengthy responses. The deadline for applications through this form is Friday, April 10, 2020.
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Name of faculty member
Faculty member's department or college
Course number and title:
Which summer session this course is scheduled to be offered:
Have you been approved to teach online for another course in the past?
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If required to teach this course remotely during Summer 2020, what platforms do you plan to use?
If required to teach this course remotely during Summer 2020, how will you adapt assignments to work effectively in the online environment?
If required to teach this course remotely during Summer 2020, how do you plan to connect with students and keep them engaged?
If required to teach this course remotely during Summer 2020, how do you plan to make sure that your course is accessible? If you are not sure about this question, please indicate that so we can put you in contact with ODR and other support services to help you.
If required to teach this course remotely during Summer 2020, what assistance and/or support would you and your students need for successful completion of the course?
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