New Apollo Concert Band Application
Welcome to the New Apollo Concert Band Application! Please complete all the fields below. 
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Student Name *
First and Last name
Student Age *
Who is your music teacher? *
Student Gender
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Student Ethnicity
Parent Name *
Parent Email *
Parent Phone Number *
In which city do you live? *
What instrument do you play? *
How many years have you played your instrument? *
Have you taken one on one instruction (private lessons) on your instrument? *
Have you been a part of another band outside of New Apollo, including at school, BMuZ, or Cazadero? *
Which school will you attend in the Fall of 2024? *
What grade will you be in the Fall of 2024? *
New Apollo membership for a season is $200. Will you require a scholarship for this fee? *
Do you have any further comments that you feel NAYSO should know?
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