Preliminary Quote Information
Please provide as much detailed information as possible so I can give you an accurate quote for your event.
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Email *
Name *
Email Address *
Cell phone number *
What kind of event is this? (wedding, birthday party, corporate, etc.) *
Event Date *
Event Location/Venue? *
What time does your event begin and end? *
Is the event indoors or outdoors? (Outdoors require cover or protection from the weather and elements) *
Do you need sound equipment (speakers, microphones, etc.) to be provided? (It is required) *
Do you need a separate microphone for announcements? *
Size of the event space?
How many guests are attending?
Do you have to adhere to a particular budget? If so, how much? *
Please check all that apply: *
What style of music do you want for your event? (Select all that apply) *
Dress code or attire for event?
Do you need an MC for your event?
Clear selection
Is there a stage or performance area? *
Please choose from the options below for pricing inquiries: *
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