Thank you for considering zymtrace! Please fill out this form to join our early access program.
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Company name  *
Work email  *
Which of these accelerated computing framework do you use? 
How would you like to deploy the zymtrace backend? *
zystem consists of a lightweight agent to be deployed on the host, and a backend for storing and visualizing the data. Our backends are primarily written in Rust, and we use ClickHouse and ScyllaDB for storage.
Which of these languages do you use?
Is the Linux kernel version deployed in your environments >= 4.18? *
Is your company committed to the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)? *
This typically indicates a commitment to climate change or ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) initiatives. zymtrace can help by providing ESG reporting data 
Briefly describe your observability/profiling use-cases or pain-points
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