Hyperlane Pilot Academy Application

The Hyperlane Pilot Academy is a program for developing passionate community leaders and developers, with the ultimate goal of accelerating the growth of the Hyperlane community and ecosystem.

Hyperlane Pilots will work closely with the Hyperlane team to learn how to navigate the interchain ecosystem and become community leaders in the interchain space. Pilots will be involved in various parts of the Hyperlane ecosystem depending on level of commitment.

By participating and leveling up in the program, you’ll meet great like-minded people, showcase your skills, earn rewards sharing in the growth of Hyperlane, and unlock opportunities for a full-time career in crypto.

Apply here to become a Hyperlane Pilot.

Learn more about the program here

We will open the next cohort in September
Name *
Email Address  *
Discord Handle *
Twitter Handle
Do you work in the blockchain industry ? *
Are you currently studying/pursuing an education full-time?

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What is your level of English?

Are you part of any other ambassador programs and/or do you actively participate in a community or ecosystem?
If yes, elaborate on your involvement:
What are your areas of interest in the Hyperlane Pilot Academy Program?
Reason to be a Hyperlane Pilot ? 
Upload a document via Google docs / Hackmd or other online text editor and share the link here. In this document, respond to the following questions:
1) Why do you want to be a Hyperlane Pilot ?
2) Why are you passionate about Hyperlane ?
3) How would you contribute to the ambassador community?
4) What do you wish to gain from the program 
Make sure that your document is not in private mode/restricted access.
Upload the Reason to be a Hyperlane Pilot document *
Anything else relevant to your application that you want to share with us?
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