West Hall Band Absence Request Form
Attendance at all West Hall Band rehearsals, sectionals and performances is expected and is vital to the success of our program as well as its individual participants.

If you must miss a function, complete this form no later than 2 weeks before the anticipated absence.  Unexcused absences may result in being removed from an upcoming band performance, being ineligible for a Varsity Band Letter and, in the case of multiple absences, may result in removal from extra-curricular activities such as marching band.

Only absence requests submitted here will be under consideration for excuse except in the case of emergency.

Submitting this form does not guarantee an excused absence.
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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Event Being Missed- PLEASE INCLUDE DATE *
Reason for Absence (You must be specific. "Important family function" does not allow enough information to excuse the absence. We use the same criteria as Hall County Schools to determine absence excusability.) *
Student Email Address *
Parent Email Address (we will contact you if there is an issue with this request) *
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