Toys for Tots Request For Gifts
Please complete this form no later than Thursday, November 30th. If filling out for more than four children please call, use the paper form OR just complete a second online form.
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Your Name (person filling out form)
Relationship to child(ren)
Physical Address
Mailing Address (if different than physical) for confirmation letter
Phone number
Who will be picking up the toys? (include first and last name of person)
Child #1 Name
Child #1 Male or Female?
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Child #1 Age
Child #2 Name (if applicable)
Child #2 Male or Female (if applicable)
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Child #2 Age (is applicable)
Child #3 Name (if applicable)
Child #3 Male or Female (if applicable)
Clear selection
Child #3 Age (if applicable)
Child #4 Name (if applicable)
Child #4 Male or Female (if applicable)
Clear selection
Child #4 Age (if applicable)
Additional things we should be aware of in regard to your application
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