The Gameplay Alignment Test
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Nation Name *
One should have a moral inclination to help those whose regions have been invaded in the act of freeing their region. *
Raids spur activity in otherwise inactive regions, which is a good thing. *
Communities should not be concerned about their reputation outside of their communities – at least not to the extent that they feel obligated to do something or not do something. *
Nowadays, it is too easy to join various regions and switch loyalties – there are not enough consequences. *
As a citizen of a region: to hold citizenship only in that region and serve that region well and faithfully is a demonstration of loyalty that is admirable and praiseworthy. *
A distinguished NationStates player is one that is well known and recognized all across NationStates, not just in one regional community. *
After a raid occurs and leaves, one should try to restore the region (e.g., World Factbook Entry) to how it looked before the raid because natives would want this if they had an active regional delegate. *
Every region deserves to be defended from invasions. *
Regional communities should be open and inviting to new members – even those who were formerly enemies of said community. *
It would be fun to invade a random region against the will of its residents and try to maintain control over it. *
Raiding someone's region is inconsiderate and sometimes, downright unkind. The people behind these raids must be just as inconsiderate and unkind. *
It is frustrating and/or annoying to see citizens in regions who are also citizens in many other regions. *
A regional community should have values. Furthermore, those who accept those values should be the first to be accepted in a community. *
NationStates, in its totality, can be a home to a player just as much as a regional community can be. *
One is a citizen when the law says one is a citizen. Treating other citizens differently on the basis of perceived loyalty to the region is unfair. *
Experiencing multiple regions as a citizen is fun and more engaging. *
Morality (e.g., right and wrong) in NationStates exists beyond simply just what is legal or illegal. *
Citizens who are inactive often but active elsewhere in NationStates (except they participate in the important votes) are not really –true- citizens and should be viewed with suspicion. *
 Raiders have every right to destroy a region if they have the ability to do so. *
Leaving reversible signs on the region (e.g. in the World Factbook Entry and the regional flag) that you have raided the region as a source of pride and accomplishment for yourself or a source of torment for your enemies is justified and acceptable. *
Most residents of regions are comfortable with their region being raided, so long as it does not become destructive. *
Even if one’s regional mates are against it, one should do what one thinks they should do or wants to do. *
One should be comfortable with fellow citizens fraternizing with enemies of the region. *
Regions should not be invaded without strong political justification (e.g. self defense). *
It is unacceptable to vote on the basis of one’s values when they conflict with the interests or collective values of the region. *
It is good that defenders can serve as relief, since often raids cause long-time residents to panic and break rules (flamebaiting, attempting to hack raider accounts). *
Raiding is the only way of playing NationStates where others (gameplayers, roleplayers, generalites) are forced to play another's way to play the game. *
The best regions are the ones with a variety in beliefs, philosophy and culture. *
The prevailing interregional opinion should be a major consideration when a region or individual is deciding to do something or not do something. *
Patriotism and regional identity is important for any region that wants to be successful. *
It is perfectly acceptable to invade a region for fun. *
There is no such thing as a "native"; there are only communities capable of holding a region and communities that are not. No community is -entitled- to a founderless region. *
Without raiders, the game would have no military gameplay and thus be more inactive - therefore raiders are necessary and serve a purpose. *
Interregional organizations draw members away from participating regionally; in addition to eroding or undermining regional sovereignty. *
Citizens should be given special status, opportunities or privileges (e.g., government positions, enfranchisement) for having their main nation or WA nation in the region to encourage this behavior. *
Interregional cooperation on military efforts is desirable and often necessary. *
People who reside in a region for a long-time without outside interests are "natives" who are entitled to administrate that region. *
Raids should refrain from griefing (e.g., banning natives, passwording). *
Long-time residents lose the right to sovereignty over their founderless region when they are too inactive or inept to even stop an invasion. *
If you don't want to be raided, make sure your region has a founder. Otherwise, you have no right to complain about being raided. *
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