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Register Your Key
Greetings Key Holder,
Fill out the following questions to register your key and RSVP for your final passage through Portal 13!
All keys must be registered by Friday, October 4th.
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Your Name
Your answer
Open your key. Type the inscription here:
Your answer
Are you free from 9:13pm - 11:13pm on Saturday, October 5th for your passage through Portal 13?
Yes, I am there!
No, I am not available Saturday, Oct 5th
Are you afraid of the dark?
Dark, unusual locations make me shake and scream
I feel uncomfortable, but can remain calm
I am like a bat, I flourish in cave-like settings
Are you afraid of heights?
I can climb a ladder and hold my bladder
I can clamber like a monkey, I feel at home in a tree
Do you prefer custard or pie?
Are you claustrophobic?
I freak out in tight, enclosed spaces
I can keep my cool
I thrive in cocoon like situations
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