Understanding Panel Survey Data 2022
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the techniques used in the analysis of “cross sectional” panel data sets, such as the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS). The course covers panel data management and descriptive analysis using panel data. The course then covers first differencing, fixed effects and random effects estimators as well as the construction and evaluation of transition matrices. Students will also be introduced to the problem of differential attrition. In all sections of the course attention will be paid to becoming familiar with Stata.

Prerequisites:  Course participants should be familiar with Stata and with basic statistical tools.

Dates:  9 to 13 May 2022

Cost of the Course:  The cost of the course is R 10 500.00. Partial scholarships are available to bona fide students.

PLEASE NOTE:   This course will be delivered online.  You will need a laptop/desktop, reliable internet access as well as access to Zoom.  Access to you own Stata license is preferable.  You will be issued with a UCT certificate of attendance provided that you have attended 80% of the classes.

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Personal Details
Please complete all the sections.

First Name *
Last Name *
Title *
Gender *
Email address *
Confirm email address *
Cell Number *
Stata Skills
Course participants should be familiar with Stata and with basic statistical tools.
Are you familiar with Stata and basic statistical tools *
Current employment status *
We would like to know whether you are working, studying, both or neither as this will help us tailor the course to participants appropriately
Name of organisation/institution if employed or studying *
If unemployed, please enter N/A
Highest completed qualification *
Please note that this course is is aimed at postgraduate students (Masters and Ph.D.), researchers, and officials in state agencies.
Name of educational institution of highest qualification *
Where did you obtain your highest qualification?
Account Details for UCT Network
In order to create an account for you to access the software at UCT, we need one of the following forms of identification: your South African ID number, passport number or current UCT student/staff number (ONLY for UCT students/staff).
Network Access *
Identification/Passport/UCT Number *
Partial scholarships are available to bona fide students.
Partial Scholarship *
Are you an academic or student *
Are you funded by ACEIR or Statistics South Africa *
This is a joint DataFirst and SALDRU course.

For more information about DataFirst - www.datafirst.uct.ac.za
For more information about SALDRU - www.saldru.uct.ac.za

Disclaimer:  DataFirst reserves the right to cancel if there is not enough interest in the workshop.

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