Lowell HS PTSA: Membership Skills & Volunteer Interest Survey
If you have any issues with this form, please reach out to the PTSA at lowellptsa101@gmail.com

1) Traditionally, Lowell HS PTSA Members have volunteered their time helping with beautification projects, tutoring, as well as helping in person at school, or online. Please provide your information below to let us know your skill set.

2) Our Committees are listed below, let us know if you are interested in joining!

3) Are there any specific topics or events you would be interested in PTSA covering/hosting? Let us know below!

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Email *
Your Name (First name, Last name) *
Lowell Community Affiliation
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Your Student's Full Name and Reg # (homeroom)
Cell number (example: 415-555-1212)
Special expertise/interests you may have (example: Planting/gardening, painting, moving furniture, website design, event planning, fundraising, etc.)
How would you like to volunteer?
Which Lowell HS PTSA Committee(s) are you interested in joining?
Are there any specific topics or events you would be interested in PTSA covering/hosting? If so, please specify.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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