History of Every Frame A Pause Quiz
This quiz will probably turn you into a Nazi. But if you don't take it, you have boring taste and I don't want to be friends with you.

Also too as well in addition, “Rags is wrong because he’s a chair.” – Maulbo Baggins, 2019

Slice and dice, hate mongers and verbal terrorists of the toxic brood. Get your rhino milk ready.
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On which episode did we discover that spiders could tell the future?
1 point
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When did the Star Wars: Episode IX question start?
1 point
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Which of the following is not a quote from Rags?
1 point
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Where did the insult "massive" originate?
1 point
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Who was the main guest when "massive faggot" was officially shortened to "massive"?
1 point
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Are you a bad person if you haven't seen The Lord of the Rings trilogy?
0 points
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Wolf wrote which of these books?
1 point
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What was Beuwen The Dragon's first featured drawing?
1 point
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Which non-EFAP stream introduced us to Fred the Cosmic Chicken?
1 point
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Whose full-length meme video was the first to be played on EFAP?
1 point
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Which of these guests informed us that The Don's wife died tragically from cancer?
1 point
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When was it established that Jay was EFAP's manager?
1 point
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Whose video was covered when the "fat people can vote twice" meme started?
1 point
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When did Wolf first say, "Hello, all my n-words"?
1 point
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Who tweeted at MauLer: "In other words: 'I had virtually no purpose on YouTube, until I made a 6 hour-long review where I bitch about a 2.5 hour movie. Now I have a purpose.' Good for you. Really"?
1 point
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Even dentists don't like __________.
1 point
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Which of these movies has never been mentioned on EFAP?
1 point
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According to ________, red apple = communism.
1 point
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Which video(s) featured on EFAP haven't been completed yet?
2 points
Which of these lines was said by MauLer?
1 point
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M&M's or Skittles?
0 points
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Which character did Shadiversity choose for most inconsistent in Star Wars: Episode IX?
1 point
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When did Downward Thrust officially become Tonald Loke?
1 point
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What was Rags' first action in Aliens: Colonial Marines?
1 point
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What was MauLer's final rating of Avengers: Endgame in EFAP #33?
1 point
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About how long did it take the EFAP gang to cover Extra Credits' 5 minute 57 second video "Stop Normalizing Nazis - Socially Conscious Game Design"?
1 point
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As of EFAP #49, which guest has been on EFAP for about 1 hour 41 minutes?
1 point
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Where did the adoption question originate?
1 point
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Which of these people chose Luke as the most inconsistent character in Star Wars: Episode IX?
3 points
Is Spider-Man: Homecoming good?
0 points
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