Living Room Writing Workshops
Accessibility is important to us, so our workshops are scholarship-first. Meaning, we prioritize cost-free and half-off scholarships of our workshops for writers who have a less-than-stable income and who are at various stages of their writing practice, maintaining support for a diverse group of writers.

Each workshop is capped at 12 participants and at least half of those students will be offered scholarships of some kind. Scholarships are on a first come, first served basis, so please apply early if interested. Register here directly. If you have any questions, please email
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Email *
Do you have a less than stable income? *
Do you identify as a writer in a historically underrepresented community: BIPOC, neurodivergent, senior, LGBTQ+, or formerly-incarcerated?
Workshops are 3 hours. They are related by theme but not connected. Each workshop will have 2-3 instructors who are each published writers. Which workshop dates are you most interested in attending? *
Please include a link to a short writing sample (Web page, Google Docs, One Drive, Dropbox, Gist, WeTransfer, etc.) *
What would you like to gain from this workshop? (under 50 words)
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