Queens Community Board 2               Public  Member Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a public member of one of Queens Community Board 2's committees! 

The Queens CB2 By-Laws allow the Chairperson to appoint public members to a committee. Please refer to section VII of the By-Laws to review details on Public Members and the qualifications: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/queenscb2/about/by-laws.page

This application is for you to communicate this interest and should be treated as a starting point to the process (i.e. make sure it's complete to your own liking but no need to provide more than a paragraph or two for any answer—we'll follow up; there are also no right or wrong answers—all applications will be considered holistically)

The public member program is designed to diversify and improve input to our committees and expand opportunities for engagement with our Board. Members of groups historically underrepresented on our board or in NYC Government as well as subject matter experts are especially encouraged to apply.

The Chairperson shall endeavor to appoint Public Members to each committee with the goal of providing opportunities for members of less-heard constituencies to participate in the work of the Board as well as to afford opportunities for those with specific technical expertise to support board work.

Public members serve at the pleasure of the Chairperson and appointments will be announced on or before November 30. For our first class of Public Member Appointments the terms will expire June 30, 2022.

If you have any questions or need support with this application, or would like a paper form sent to you, please contact our office by email:    qn02@cb.nyc.gov  or phone: 718-533-8773

*Application must be completed and submitted no by October 15, 2022*
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Email *
I would like to serve as a member of: *
Please indicate your relationship with Queens CB2 *
About you
We are only asking for what is essential to ensure the best fit for a committee. This information will remain strictly confidential and will only be used for this process—no newsletters or unrelated contact of any kind.
Full Legal Name *
What you'd like to be called if different from your legal name. 
Email address *
Home Address *
Phone (mobile preferred) *
Have you attended any of the following meetings in the last 12 months?
Meeting Format
Please select the meeting format you prefer.
Issues and Background
Why would you like to join this committee? What are some of the most important issues facing our community relevant to the committee you seek to join? What makes you a good fit? *
Optional: Are you a member of a historically underrepresented group? Feel free to share whichever details you're comfortable with sharing here. If selected for an interview you will of course have an opportunity to discuss this further.
Describe any technical or professional expertise you would bring to this Committee.  

Would you like to send any supporting materials? If so please email us at qn02@cb.nyc.gov with the subject "Public Member Application." (Examples include: a résumé, written biography, relevant certifications, etc.)
Is there anything else you'd like to share? (If not, no worries! This is a good place to pass along any kind of accommodations you might need to make the most of your service)
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