Ada Build Live Interest Form

Ada Build Live (ABL) is a free, 6-week virtual series led by Ada instructors to support learners with Python and coding fundamentals through the Ada Build curriculum. We highly encourage women and gender-expansive adults who identify as Black, Latine, Indigenous, Pacific Islander, and Native Hawaiian to register.

If you do not identify with any of the above groups, we welcome you to participate in Ada Build, our self-guided and asynchronous version of the Ada Build Curriculum.

See below for the upcoming sessions of ABL. This form is not an application or guarantee for admission to ABL. By completing this form, you are registering your interest and Ada staff will contact you with additional information as space becomes available.

Upcoming Sessions: TBA
More dates will be announced in late 2024.

Thank you for expressing interest in ABL! At the moment, we are not starting a new cohort but want to provide free resources to all who are interested in coding.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Please let us know what pronouns you use (some examples often include she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, or ze/zir/zirs):
How did you hear about Ada Build Live? *
Optional Questions
This survey asks you to provide us with some information about yourself. Collecting data from all respondents on these questions is important so that we can better and more reliably report differences and similarities between people from different backgrounds. We understand that you might be concerned about sharing some of this information. Please be assured that the responses you provide are kept completely confidential. Any identifying information will be separated from your answers. Results are only reported in the aggregate. However, if you are uncomfortable answering a question, please feel free to skip it.
In what US state or territory are you located?
If your location is not listed above, please provide whatever location information you're comfortable sharing.
I identify as (select all that apply)
Prefer to describe:
How do you currently describe your gender identity? Some examples often include agender, gender fluid, genderqueer, woman, man, non-binary, questioning, third gender, transgender, Two-Spirit, gender nonconforming (If you prefer not to say please put 'Prefer not to say')
Are you a member of the LGBTQQIA+ community?
Clear selection
Are you gender-expansive?
Clear selection
Are you transgender?
Clear selection
Ideally, I'd like to join the
Clear selection
Clear form
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This form was created inside of Ada Developers' Academy.

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