Fall 2017 SILS Peer Mentoring Program Survey - For Mentors

Thank you for your interest in the SILS Peer Mentoring Program in which second-year SILS masters' students are paired up with incoming masters' students for the purposes of offering guidance and advice on how to make the most of the SILS experience. This can include offering thoughts on course selection, internship opportunities, field experiences, social life, or anything else that your mentee would like to know more about.

Please note that being a mentor is a responsibility and has a specific purpose of helping new students know how to be more successful here at SILS.  As such, we would like you to plan on meeting or checking in with your mentee at least once or twice a month. The ILSSA social events are a great way to meet up and chat, so be on the lookout for those next semester!

As a general timeline, we are hoping to match mentors and mentees up over the summer, possibly in July. If you are interested in serving as a mentor, please fill out the form below by June 6th, 2017. You will receive a confirmation email from an ILSSA board member once you have done so, and we will be in further touch over the summer as we receive information on mentee interest.

*When filling out your form, please make sure to use complete sentences and grammar as these will be sent directly on to your future mentee so they have a general profile of you. You will receive a mentee profile as well.*

Please let us know if you have any questions, and thank you so much for your interest!

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What is your name? *
Preferred contact email *
Where is your hometown? *
Where did you do your undergrad work? *
What program concentration are you in? *
What program specialization are you in? *
Check all that apply. The options listed below are from the SILS website. If your coursework reflects a different specialization, please feel free to write it in in the "Other" option
Anticipated Graduation Date from SILS (ex: May 2018, December 2018) *
Are you pursuing a dual degree or certificate? If so, please tell us which one.
Please write a short bio about yourself. You can include personal information, professional and career interests, hobbies and recreational interests, and any other information you would like your mentee to know about you. *
What is one thing you wish someone had told you before you started at SILS? *
If there are more mentees than mentors, would you be open to having two mentees? *
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