SoSerée | Digital Daze:

Thank you for choosing Digital Daze to help with your project! I can’t wait to help you bring your visions to life with quality precision and responsive designs.

At Digital Daze we put the customer first - making sure that everything is done within a reasonable time frame and suits the needs of your brand/company.

Digital Daze manages:

Business Plans
     SEO Optimization
             Social Media Marketing : Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest
     Content Creation
             Web Development

Business Approach:
Growing Traffic  
                Monitoring Analytics & Return On Investment
                Providing Value
                Customer engagement

At Digital Daze we understand the importance of value which is why we are continuously expanding our understanding of modern marketing strategies and digital marketing through education and media conferences.  

I'm so glad you are choosing us to help you elevate your brand/company in the right direction! I hope we can get to work soon!  

Before I can help you reach your goal, and quote a price it is important that I get an idea of your brand and what you are looking to accomplish. Please take the time to fill out this 10 minute survey and we will be in touch!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Please provide your phone number : *
What type of business help are you looking for?
What does your brand/company do?  ( Who are you? How long have you been around?)
What do you want your platform to promote/accomplish?
Do you already have a website/social media accounts?
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Which Platforms do you have?
What is Your Website? What is your Instagram handle? Facebook handle?
What is your preference in colors for your page? *
What are some of the challenges you are facing that you want to solve with this project? if any
What makes your company remarkable?
Who are your competitors?
What websites/pages do you like and why?
[Website Inquires Only] What do you want your website / media to have?
How do you measure your success? What does success look like to you?
When do you want to get started on the project? Do you have a launch date in mind?
How much are you looking to spend?
Please Provide 3 dates and times in which you will be available for a follow-up phone call to discuss prices:
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