CPA Mile 16th August 19 - 6:30pm - Central Park Athletics Track, Cranford Rd, DA1 1JP Dartford (PWR GP race 10 and Social)
This is your chance to experience a timed mile run on the Dartford track, where you will compete with runners of your own ability. There will be a series of 10+ races over the evening and you will be participating with CPA and other club members.

The race will be officially timed and the results will available on your Power of 10l. Please complete this form below in order to participate.

Please thank Tony & Anoushka, CPA (Central Park Athletics) for hosting this event and allowing us the free use of Dartford track. Please arrive by  6:30pm to check in. Please bring food and drinks for our post-race social.

To enter please complete this form and pay £5.00 into the PWR account (race timing costs)

Please reference your payment CPA -- your surname --- first name initial -- example 'CPA Smith J'

A/C number 02130329
Sort Code: 30-93-23

Thank you

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Email *
Your Surname *
Your First Name *
What Grand Prix group are you in? Not your Tuesday night group, (1 is the fastest group) - If you are not in the PWR Grand Prix, please choose option 11. *
Your expected mile time in minutes *
Your date of birth (for your age grading result) *
Your EA membership number *
I agree to pay my entry fee of £5 on submission of this form. (non refundable) please remember to reference 'CPA-surname-initial' *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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